16 degrees south
We formed sixteen degrees south in 2022 as a charity arm to handle grants, larger donations, and corporate sponsorship, and have charity status. For tax-deductible donations, we currently have auspicing arrangements through another organisation, but are in the process of setting up deductible gift recipient status (DGR). We invite businesses and organisations to consider our partnership prospectus below.
“"The earth has music for those who listen"
- William Shakespeare
partnership PROSPECTUS
If your business would like to help and make a real and positive difference to the environment through the work we are doing, we invite you to download and read our prospectus.
We cover an introduction, who we are, our methodology and achievements, contact details. and a range of benefits to your business via brand exposure and the opportunity for employee visits, tours and even plant some trees in the Daintree.
Just click on either of the thumbnails to download in PDF format.